Ode to Nature

Kathy Klein channels her spirituality and love of nature into stunning, geometric designs made from a colorful array of plant life. Reminiscent of the ephemeral sand mandalas found in Tibetan Buddhism, Klein calls the meticulous works of art “danmalas,” which is the blending of two Sankrit words: dān (“the giver”) and mālā (“garland of flowers”).

As a devoted practitioner of meditation, Klein believes “the danmalas remind us all to listen to the unheard voice of nature, creation and the eternal mystery.”

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Mandala made of flower petals

Source: mother nature network

Note: Please ask Mother Earth before taking anything. Thanks

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