Emergency Help for Grounding Yourself and Opening your Feet Chakras

Emergency Help for Grounding Yourself and Opening your Feet Chakras.

via Emergency Help for Grounding Yourself and Opening your Feet Chakras.

Calling in the Light


The following is a newsletter from The Four Winds Society, where science meets ancient wisdom. I am very interested in science as well as ancient ideals. I am a Reiki practitioner, mostly used for animals. This led me to learn (work in progress) about animal medicine and reading signs in nature; which led me to shamanism. When I say ‘led’, I mean I was drawn to, my Spirit guiding me.

The Four Winds Light Body School offers the world’s most extensive professional training in energy medicine based on the 50,000-year-old wisdom teachings of the ancient Americas.

Their goal is to teach individuals how to become a modern day shaman.  Modern day shamans are men and women who are willing to be visionaries and healers in their families and communities. They learn to live in balance, and share their skills to be of deepest service and make a difference in the world.

The program was developed by founder Dr. Alberto Villoldo, who has spent more than 30 years studying with the medicine and wisdom keepers of the Andes and the Amazon.


Calling in the Light

This month, in the Northern hemisphere, we mark the Summer Solstice and celebrate the longest day of light. Cosmically, the Earth is experiencing potent bursts of solar activity that bring new energy and information to us – in the form of light.  As never before, Spirit is calling us to live free in the light of fearlessness – as luminous warriors.

The way of the luminous warrior is to discover the power of fearlessness. The luminous warrior knows that by its very nature, fear can create a dark self-fulfilling reality and generate endless lessons through suffering from fear driven by ego identification and a belief that the world is a predatory place with limited resources.

A luminous warrior does not collude with “evidence” in the collective of “crisis” and does not try to effect change through “engagement” or “battles.”  He faces his own death energetically, in sacred ceremony, so that he can fully claim life – so that he can follow his soul’s journey.  He knows that he lives in a paradise where the Universe generously conspires on his behalf.

As we near this time of Solstice, we encourage you to find time to create a fire ceremony. Bring together your friends and family on June 21 to build a fire and pray to your ancestors for assistance. Open sacred space by calling on the four directions, Heaven and Earth. You can use the invocation below if you choose:

To the winds of the South – Great Serpent, help us to shed the past the way you shed your skin. Teach us to walk in beauty and touch everyone with beauty.

To the winds of the West – Great Jaguar, walk among us. Show us how to live fearlessly. Teach us the way of no enemies in this world or the next.

To the winds of the North Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Ancient Ones. We honor you who have come before us, and you who will come after us, our children’s children.  

To the winds of the East Great Eagle, Condor, come to us from the place of the rising Sun. Keep us under your wing. Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.     

Mother Earth We’ve gathered for the honoring of all your children. The Stone People, the Plant People. The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers. The finned, the furred, and the winged ones. All our relations.

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names. And you who are the unnamable One. Thank you for bringing us together.

Place your written prayers in the fire, and then close sacred space following the same procedure as for the opening – acknowledging the four directions, Mother Earth and Father Sky. Thank the ancient ones who have held you, and release their energies to return to the four corners of the Earth.

Dream big dreams.

Solstice Blessings,

Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.


I have been drawn to Native American culture and art for over 10 years. Not until I started practicing Reiki, did I understand the meaning of this, my Spirit was calling me to learn and pay attention. Then I became interested in dog rescue and was a foster dog mom for 4 years, and then interested in animal totems/animal medicine or power of animals. I am very interested in the welfare of ALL animals. I have the book by Ted Andrews, “Animal Speak” that was given to me by a friend last summer. Lately, I have been really drawn to study more about power animals and animal medicine. My power animal is the wolf, dog in domestic form. I have always been drawn to wolves. And lately discovered another power animal for me is the bear.

Earth DNA


What is an Animal Totem?

The phrase “animal totem” literally means a symbolic representation of your animal guide; such as a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, or anything else that depicts your animal guide. A totem could be symbolic for a whole tribe, clan or family – or just an individual. However, the phrase “animal totem” also means “animal guide”, receiving spiritual assistance from an animal.

Shamans throughout the world have relied on the guidance and wisdom of spirit animals for thousands of years. Totems have been used in shamanistic practice as far back as human history stretches, it is one of the oldest forms of magick in the world. Hunters would paint the form of their prey on walls during ceremonies to bless the coming hunt with good fortune, and to acknowledge, bless and thank the spirit of the…

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What is Etheric Cord Cutting? – Doreen Virtue

That person will begin draining energy from you, like siphoning fuel at a gas station. You’ll feel tired without knowing why. No amount of caffeine, exercise or sleep will be able to revive your energy if the source is etheric-cord draining.

Hay House Australia's Blog

When we have fear-based attachments to a person or an object, we form spiritual leashes to keep the person or object from leaving or changing. These leashes look like surgical tubing and they grow larger as a function of the length and intensity of the relationship. So, the largest cords are to parents, siblings, and other longtime, intense relationships.

The cords are hollow tubes, and energy runs back and forth between the attached persons. These are fear-based cords, which are always unhealthy and based upon dysfunction. They have nothing to do with the love or the healthy part of the relationship. Cutting cords isn’t abandoning or divorcing a person; it’s releasing the unhealthy part of the relationship.

Let’s say that you have a cord attached to friend or relative who’s feeling depressed or needy. That person will begin draining energy from you, like siphoning fuel at a gas station. You’ll feel…

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Remembering Rachael by Sally Aderton

Rachael Paddock-In Loving Memory

Rachael Paddock-In Loving Memory

Rachael Paddock is missed by many and will always hold a place in our hearts. She left this earth July 12, 2013 after a long battle with cancer. She had a lovely memorial-Celebration of Life-attended by lots of friends and family at her favorite park at 5pm, her favorite time of day. You would always see Rachael in purple scrubs and she would greet you with a warm loving smile. Rachael is a Holistic Health Practitioner.

My Lexi, golden retriever, recently became ill overnight, and I made the hard decision to put her to sleep. I asked Rachael to be with her and help her transition and help me get through my loss. Lexis went to sleep in her bed, favorite toy and healing stones from Rachael’s memorial. Lexis moved on with a smile on her face. Thank you, Rachael!

Sally Aderton, a dear friend to Rachael, spoke at her Celebration of Life. Sally refers to Rachael as her ‘Earth Angel’. You can read about Sally’s touching healing story here, click on Bio/History. Sally is a spiritual teacher, healer, intuitive, writer, California Real Estate agent, and my favorite…creative maverick.  Sally sent an email to Lightworkers Galore, the group founded by Rachael. It is a weekly metaphysical group with many awesome guest speakers. Rachael always sent us cool inspiring and/or funny photos in her weekly emails. I thought Sally’s email was so touching, I asked her if I could share it with you.

Sally: I am attaching the cartoon that was in my dream in May of this year (2013). In the dream, Rachael had come to me to let me know she was leaving. In the dream Rachael and I were talking about the cartoon and laughing. I came out of the dream state crying. This cartoon will always be in my heart, Rachael’s final laugh with me.

om and chakra humor

Though I kept my comments very, very short at her Celebration of Life, I feel the need to share a bit more here. Some of you may know this story, but I want to tell it again. How I met Rachael Paddock:

When I moved to San Diego in 2005, I did so to run a real estate company called AMSI. In the 1980s, just in my 20s, I helped create this innovative relocation and corporate housing company in San Francisco. I left in 1990 to pursue my healing practice full time. Within a very short time my practice was international and for me, the ’90s were rock’n’roll! Though I had been on a consciousness path since 13, my own physical healing crisis created my need to return to what was familiar, family, and safe. I had then structure, that my inner earthquake and outer physical damages needed, to survive. 

That summer at a San Diego Chamber of Commerce Business Networking Fair at the Town & Country Resort, I was walking around and doing what we always called, “Working the Room”. I rounded a corner and there on my right at the end of this row was Massage Mastery with Rachael Paddock. Woman-ing the booth was this Sprite in a Purple Scrubs outfit. I walked up to her and asked her to step aside for a moment. I told her my name, and said, “I am a Healer, and I want to do trade work with you.” She smiled and immediately said, “Yes!” This innocent enthusiasm and willingness to trust is my Healer Rachael!
Over the 5 years I lived in San Diego, the time was rough for me emotionally. In some ways, it was almost more challenging than the physical recovery of the preceding years. At 37 after creating a successful worldwide healing practice, my brain surgery on 9-8-98 had halted that path, abruptly. Graduate School had helped to heal my mind from the trauma and was the perfect safe container of focus I needed. AMSI had helped to heal my confidence to be in the world again. Dr. Hillari Hamilton of Mission Bay Chiropractic – 858-539-7227, who I met just a week after meeting Rachael said to me, “Sally, they call it San Die – ego for a reason!” San Diego was an opportunity for me to heal my soul in ways that I can barely speak. 
Rachael was one of the people who saved my soul. In all of my years of life, to 45, even nearly 7 after my brain surgery, had I ever lost my connection to God. In 2006 and again in 2010, I was so depressed that I wanted to die. Rachael was one of my Earth Angels that pulled me through. There were several Healers in San Diego, in addition to Rachael and Hillari that I must mention. Each of these practitioners would be good to have in your referral list. There is NO ONE WAY TO HEAL. This is one of the gifts I see with your community is to experience and explore the diversity of ways to be in service to good. Eti Kodama, an acupuncturist in University Heights 619-772-5001 is extraordinary. Jenny Schipper 760-753-5431 is a massage therapist and yoga instructor in Encinitas. Jenny and I had actually done trade work in New York City in the ’90s. Dr. Jill Crusey 619-294-8534 a psychotherapist who works with woman in transition was an incredible gift to my unraveling, and then weaving back together.
The gift of Rachael’s touch was instrumental in moving more of the locked energy of shame on my face. Her loving support helped me to ‘face’ heart breaks from this lifetime and others. However, one of the greatest gifts she gave me was the reaffirming that there is no competition in the industry of healing. To see her face light up every time I called her My Healer, was a reminder to not judge, nor measure, nor create a hierarchy in healing. All of us serve each other period. We are each mirrors of our own inner teachers. We are each reflecting back the light and the shadow of what is best to come into balance in that moment. Rachael was my reflection of the enthusiasm of spirituality, metaphysics, divine mystery, and the evolution of humanity on Earth. Rachael was one of my Earth Angels. I so glad I had the hutzpah to just go up and tell her we needed to know and be in service to each other. “Ask, and ye shall receive,….”
Blessings to you all as you continue to stay faithful to your own stories. Thank you for taking your precious time to hear my story of Rachael. My gratitude goes to you all for the work that you do to make this world a better place for us all!
As we heal ourselves. we heal the world!

In Loving Memory of Rachael Paddock 7/12/13

Rachael Paddock

Rachael Paddock

My mission in life is to inspire, energize and heal those I touch, to connect with others metaphysically and intuitively, and to know and love myself.

Rachael Paddock left this earth July 12, 2013. She battled cancer for two years and recently accepted it was her time to move on with her journey. She is an intuitive healer, massage therapist and surrounded by by a variety of healers, such as Reiki practiononers. So I kept asking myself , “why did she not heal”? (She was told she had 6 months for her type of cancer).

Rachael started a group called Lightworkers Galore at her home with only a few women. There is also a blog you are invited to visit about our past meetings. Lightworkers Galore is held now at the Om Spiritual Center in La Mesa, CA. (We are currently getting a larger place.) I had the honor of meeting Rachael and attending this weekly group October 2012 and still attend. I learned so much from this group, many guest speakers on anything and everything metaphysical. Rachael attended the last several meetings by Skype.

Jim Brown’s radio show with Rachael Paddock as a caller, about half-way into the show. The title of the show I Believe in God. Click here to listen, very inspiring. She touched many people with this radio call!

Rachael’s message to everyone is to love yourself, no matter what trials or troubles are in your life.

Back to the question, why do some people suffer and leave this earth early? I received a letter with a prayer rug with a picture of Jesus Christ. He suffered and died for his message. As did Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others. So why do peaceful loving people leave us early? I do not have the answer. I do believe there is an important  message they have brought to enrich our lives and to teach us an important lesson! And it may not be obvious at first. But meditate on their life and you will see it!

Cover of "The Celestine Prophecy: An Adve...

I recently read a book, Celestine Prophecy, which says always look for the silver lining in any event, whether good or bad. It also said, everything happens for a reason, my motto as well. So we have to look at the message and all the lives that were touched by these special people.

We don’t have to understand everything, but know that it is for the highest good.

As I prayed for Rachael and her grieving friends and family, I decided to write a letter to her. Writing is a great way to let your feelings out, whether you are upset, confused or mourning.

My letter to Rachael:

To Rachael,

I sit here and ponder why good people such as yourself leave this earth early. What is the meaning? Everything happens for a reason. You gave a lot of meaning to many people’s lives like myself. Lightworkers Galore is a true blessing in my life. And there are many other people in your life I have not met, such as Mac. I am thankful for all the emails (from Mac) and seeing you via video at the meetings. Your life meant a lot to many people! And continues to grow! It was an honor to meet you and know you! I love you!

                                                                                                                           Love, Paula

Death is really the great healer. We are escorted into this world at birth. We learn our lessons here, face our challenges, and when it is time to continue our journey, Death comes to accompany us to our next destination, and like the cycles of the year, we continue our path.Cindi Dale