Guided Meditation App for Insomnia

iPhone Screenshot 2

Source: itunes

Sleep Help by HealthJourneys, resources for mind, body, and spirit; is an itune app you can download for $11.99. This audio program has been found effective for insomnia, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep and for help with napping.

Steve Kohn’s exquisite, calming music draws mind, body and spirit down into deep, restful sleep.

The app takes a small amount bandwidth, comes with a sleep timer which turns the player off after an interval of your choosing, has a wake up assistant that will rouse you by playing 30 seconds of either music or beeping (and, unlike an actual alarm clock, it will not keep hounding you after those 30 seconds are over).

This app has exceptional sound quality and is designed as a smooth, clean, fast Apple style player, where you can scroll, touch and gain immediate access to the segments you want.

Source: Health Journeys

Remembering Rachael by Sally Aderton

Rachael Paddock-In Loving Memory

Rachael Paddock-In Loving Memory

Rachael Paddock is missed by many and will always hold a place in our hearts. She left this earth July 12, 2013 after a long battle with cancer. She had a lovely memorial-Celebration of Life-attended by lots of friends and family at her favorite park at 5pm, her favorite time of day. You would always see Rachael in purple scrubs and she would greet you with a warm loving smile. Rachael is a Holistic Health Practitioner.

My Lexi, golden retriever, recently became ill overnight, and I made the hard decision to put her to sleep. I asked Rachael to be with her and help her transition and help me get through my loss. Lexis went to sleep in her bed, favorite toy and healing stones from Rachael’s memorial. Lexis moved on with a smile on her face. Thank you, Rachael!

Sally Aderton, a dear friend to Rachael, spoke at her Celebration of Life. Sally refers to Rachael as her ‘Earth Angel’. You can read about Sally’s touching healing story here, click on Bio/History. Sally is a spiritual teacher, healer, intuitive, writer, California Real Estate agent, and my favorite…creative maverick.  Sally sent an email to Lightworkers Galore, the group founded by Rachael. It is a weekly metaphysical group with many awesome guest speakers. Rachael always sent us cool inspiring and/or funny photos in her weekly emails. I thought Sally’s email was so touching, I asked her if I could share it with you.

Sally: I am attaching the cartoon that was in my dream in May of this year (2013). In the dream, Rachael had come to me to let me know she was leaving. In the dream Rachael and I were talking about the cartoon and laughing. I came out of the dream state crying. This cartoon will always be in my heart, Rachael’s final laugh with me.

om and chakra humor

Though I kept my comments very, very short at her Celebration of Life, I feel the need to share a bit more here. Some of you may know this story, but I want to tell it again. How I met Rachael Paddock:

When I moved to San Diego in 2005, I did so to run a real estate company called AMSI. In the 1980s, just in my 20s, I helped create this innovative relocation and corporate housing company in San Francisco. I left in 1990 to pursue my healing practice full time. Within a very short time my practice was international and for me, the ’90s were rock’n’roll! Though I had been on a consciousness path since 13, my own physical healing crisis created my need to return to what was familiar, family, and safe. I had then structure, that my inner earthquake and outer physical damages needed, to survive. 

That summer at a San Diego Chamber of Commerce Business Networking Fair at the Town & Country Resort, I was walking around and doing what we always called, “Working the Room”. I rounded a corner and there on my right at the end of this row was Massage Mastery with Rachael Paddock. Woman-ing the booth was this Sprite in a Purple Scrubs outfit. I walked up to her and asked her to step aside for a moment. I told her my name, and said, “I am a Healer, and I want to do trade work with you.” She smiled and immediately said, “Yes!” This innocent enthusiasm and willingness to trust is my Healer Rachael!
Over the 5 years I lived in San Diego, the time was rough for me emotionally. In some ways, it was almost more challenging than the physical recovery of the preceding years. At 37 after creating a successful worldwide healing practice, my brain surgery on 9-8-98 had halted that path, abruptly. Graduate School had helped to heal my mind from the trauma and was the perfect safe container of focus I needed. AMSI had helped to heal my confidence to be in the world again. Dr. Hillari Hamilton of Mission Bay Chiropractic – 858-539-7227, who I met just a week after meeting Rachael said to me, “Sally, they call it San Die – ego for a reason!” San Diego was an opportunity for me to heal my soul in ways that I can barely speak. 
Rachael was one of the people who saved my soul. In all of my years of life, to 45, even nearly 7 after my brain surgery, had I ever lost my connection to God. In 2006 and again in 2010, I was so depressed that I wanted to die. Rachael was one of my Earth Angels that pulled me through. There were several Healers in San Diego, in addition to Rachael and Hillari that I must mention. Each of these practitioners would be good to have in your referral list. There is NO ONE WAY TO HEAL. This is one of the gifts I see with your community is to experience and explore the diversity of ways to be in service to good. Eti Kodama, an acupuncturist in University Heights 619-772-5001 is extraordinary. Jenny Schipper 760-753-5431 is a massage therapist and yoga instructor in Encinitas. Jenny and I had actually done trade work in New York City in the ’90s. Dr. Jill Crusey 619-294-8534 a psychotherapist who works with woman in transition was an incredible gift to my unraveling, and then weaving back together.
The gift of Rachael’s touch was instrumental in moving more of the locked energy of shame on my face. Her loving support helped me to ‘face’ heart breaks from this lifetime and others. However, one of the greatest gifts she gave me was the reaffirming that there is no competition in the industry of healing. To see her face light up every time I called her My Healer, was a reminder to not judge, nor measure, nor create a hierarchy in healing. All of us serve each other period. We are each mirrors of our own inner teachers. We are each reflecting back the light and the shadow of what is best to come into balance in that moment. Rachael was my reflection of the enthusiasm of spirituality, metaphysics, divine mystery, and the evolution of humanity on Earth. Rachael was one of my Earth Angels. I so glad I had the hutzpah to just go up and tell her we needed to know and be in service to each other. “Ask, and ye shall receive,….”
Blessings to you all as you continue to stay faithful to your own stories. Thank you for taking your precious time to hear my story of Rachael. My gratitude goes to you all for the work that you do to make this world a better place for us all!
As we heal ourselves. we heal the world!

MEDICAL CORNER . ….Washing off pesticides ….

It Is What It Is

MEDICAL CORNER . ....Washing off pesticides ....


6 Ways To Buy Organic On A Budget ►



We ALL are ONE!! Be proactive for health!!

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My Newest Opportunity

Flower Essence Enery-Restore Harmony and Balance to Body, Mind and Spirit. If you know of anyone who is connected to Hospice of Santa Cruz County that might benefit from this wonderful service please call me at 831-335-7979.

HelliboreIt is always amazing to me the gifts from the Universe that come my way when I stop pursuing and simply allow my life to flow.  I am excited to tell you about my latest opportunity to share my passion for flowers.  With the wonderful experience of flowers imprinted in my brain as a child returns, I become as joy filled, and excited as my 5 year old self playing in my neighbor’s garden whenever I am connected to flowers.  Now a days its just flowers, whether in my garden, talking about them, making flower essences or blending aromatherapy that make me a happy girl.

Camelia My newest opportunity with flowers  is being selected by Hospice of Santa Cruz County to provide free  aromatherapy consultations for their patients.  I will drive to the patient’s home and help them select a Flower Essence Energy Spray and…

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Delicious Protein Shake Without Protein Powder

I recently discovered I have a low protein level. I was told that day by a medical professional, not a doctor, about a healthy protein shake without expensive protein powder. The ingredients are 2 bananas, 1 egg and milk. I asked can I taste the raw egg? No was the answer I got. I went right home and made this shake.

I put two bananas, 1 raw egg and about a half-cup of 1% milk in my blender. I was very surprised at how good it tasted! The only thing missing to me was that it tasted warm and thought this would taste better chilled. You can‘t put this in the frig for later 1) it will turn brown 2) it will not taste good. So, the next time I made it I put 3-4 ice cubes in the blender as well, and there is my protein smoothie. YUM YUM! For more recipe ideas click on photo to the left, uses protein powder.

This is a great way to raise my protein level, I have one for breakfast now every morning and it helps with weight loss. WINNING! (check out honey-cinnamon weight loss) I did a little searching on the internet to see about this protein shake and if there were others of similar ingredients, I can use to shake it up. (pun intended) I will take food products any day over powder or pill supplements. Natural is best for your body!  (I’ll let you know how the weight loss goes). I found this website that gives you a variety of choices for protein drinks and the ingredients are probably already in your kitchen. How to Make a Homemade Protein Shake Without Protein Powder

Miraculous health benefits of honey and cinnamon

I first heard of the benefits of honey and cinnamon about a month ago. I was fascinated with all the benefits of these two simple household ingredients. I will use a natural product any day instead of prescribed or OTC medications. Many years ago when I worked at a kennels, we gave honey to dogs any time they were sick and it worked.-Paula

Just Bliss

The benefits of honey and the magic mixture of honey and cinnamon is known for hundreds of years for their miraculous curing power. Many people know about the health benefits of honey but very few know about the health benefits of honey and cinnamon combined. If we look back into the history we can see both these items used by different countries and cultures across the world for different medicinal purposes. Almost all the ancient cultures are aware about the benefits of honey on skin and benefits of honey on hair. Also healing benefits of honey and lemon has been recorded in ancient texts and even in many holy books like Bible, Quran. The   benefits of honey in weight loss, benefits of honey with hot water, beauty benefits of honey, benefits of honey and apple cider vinegar, benefits of honey for diabetics, arthritis etc.


Listed below are some of the well…

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